Pilot Schemes GREECE – CYPRUS
We offer specialized aquatic training in children with learning difficulties to increase
their physical, cognitive-perceptual, and psychosocial skills (with a focus on
cognitive-perceptual skills)
The Objective of this activity is to offer specialized aquatic
training in children with learning difficulties to increase
their physical, cognitive-perceptual, and psychosocial
skills (with a focus on cognitive-perceptual skills).
The new Aquatic Literacy Program will run in 2 swimming
centers in Cyprus and Greece.
We will design two pilot schemes in Cyprus and in Greece for
primary school children with learning difficulties. Both pilot
schemes will implement the Aquatic Literacy Program for 4
weeks (12 sessions, 60 min each) in a swimming pool context.
The pilot schemes will generate new knowledge helping sport
professionals and stakeholders to better understand “how
children with learning difficulties can improve their cognitive
ability and perceptual skills though sport engagement”.
Strong partnerships that deliver joy,
change and results.

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